Great day traders do not possess solid trading technique and sound market savvy, they do. Among great day traders there is a sense of self-assurance that suggests a feeling of arrogance. Most individuals find this attitude dismaying and offensive, though we believe this unparalleled attitude absolutely essential to succeed. No, the motivation to keep a day trading at a high level with unvarying results is an emotion that we must sustain on our own. It is not easily done, but it is a key prerequisite of maintaining the essential psychological and emotional approach to trading.

At best, day trading is a solitary profession where the trader learns to depend solely upon his own experience and expertise. Even more disturbing, day trading can be a lonely and dispiriting experience; but it does not have to be that way. It appears that day traders seek out this singular life view for a host of reasons.

1. Many day traders guard their trading secrets zealously and refuse to let the other traders trying to their trading style.

2. Many traders are reluctant to disclose their trading failure with other traders for fear they will be judged. Of course, the exact opposite is true, as most traders are more than conformable to look in another trader’s style and make positive critique as to how it may be improved.
In the final analysis though all of these failures results in a mindset of disgrace for the trader and the result is silence.

3. While many day traders are successful, some apply highly unusual day trading methods to reach their goals. Again, this class of trader is loath to disclose his or her trading methodology because of its unorthodox nature. Once again, shame is the operant mover in this behavior.

4. And finally, many day traders are by nature shy and trading with anyone, (other than them) triggers this shy response and finds the trader reluctant to trade for anyone beside himself or herself.

These are just a few of the many reasons that some day traders are unwilling to share the success they enjoyed to beginning and intermediate trader. It is essential to understand that not all day traders are of this mind-set, and many are more than willing to showcase the trading technique that has been so successful for them in their trading. 

One thing is for sure though, and the phenomena is easily understood; all good day traders have unspoken and intangible assets which cause them to be successful. Whether it is confidence, great technique or just plain old skill, certain day traders excel at what they do. More often than not, they are willing to share their “not so secret” secrets with new traders who are struggling to establish themselves in the trading business.

Most great traders realize there are no secrets to trading. The secrets are actually the intersection of diligent study and hard work; and this thread of success seems to run through all great traders.

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